History of Bali Island - Bali is the name of one of the provinces in Indonesia and is also the name of the largest island that is part of the province.
Besides consisting of the island of Bali, the province of Bali also consists of smaller islands in the vicinity, namely Nusa Penida Island, Nusa Lembongan Island, Nusa Ceningan Island and Serangan Island.
Bali is located between Java Island and Lombok Island. Its provincial capital is Denpasar, located in the southern part of the island. The majority of Bali's population are Hindus.
In the world, Bali is well known as a tourism destination with its unique art-culture variety, especially for Japanese and Australian tourists. Bali is also known as Pulau Dewata and Pulau Seribu Pura.
Bali has been inhabited by Austronesians around 2000 BC who migrated and originated from Taiwan via Maritime Southeast Asia.
The culture and language of the Balinese are so closely related to people from the Indonesian archipelago, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Oceania. The stone tools originating from that moment have been found near the village of Cekik to the west of the island of Bali.
In ancient Balinese times, there were nine Hindu sects of Pasupata, Bhairawa, Shiva Shidanta, Waisnawa, Bodha, Brahma, Resi, Sora and Ganapatya. Each sect honors a particular deity as its personal Godhead. Balinese culture is heavily influenced by Indian, Chinese, and especially Hindu culture, beginning around the 1st century AD.

At that time a complex Subak irrigation system was developed to grow rice. Some religious and cultural traditions still exist today and can be traced back to that time.
The Hindu kingdom of Majapahit (1293-1520 AD) in East Java established a colony in Bali in 1343. As the heyday has decreased, there was a massive exodus of intellectuals, artists, priests and musicians from Java to Bali in the 15th century .
ASAL USUL SEJARAH PULAU BALISEJARAH PULAU BALI MASA PRASEJARAHZaman prasejarah Bali merupakan awal dari sejarah masyarakat Bali, yang ditandai oleh kehidupan masyarakat pada masa itu yang belum mengenal tulisan. Walaupun pada zaman prasejarah ini belum dikenal tulisan untuk menuliskan riwayat kehidupannya, tetapi berbagai bukti tentang kehidupan pada masyarakat pada masa itu dapat pula menuturkan kembali keadaanya Zaman prasejarah berlangsung dalam kurun waktu yang cukup panjang, maka bukti-bukti yang telah ditemukan hingga sekarang sudah tentu tidak dapat memenuhi segala harapan kita.
Berkat penelitian yang tekun dan terampil dari para ahli asing khususnya bangsa Belanda dan putra-putra Indonesia maka perkembangan masa prasejarah di Bali semakin terang.
Perhatian terhadap kekunaan di Bali pertama-tama diberikan oleh seorang naturalis bernama Georg Eberhard Rumpf, pada tahun 1705 yang dimuat dalam bukunya Amboinsche Reteitkamer. Sebagai pionir dalam penelitian kepurbakalaan di Bali adalah W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp yang mengunjungi Bali pada tahun 1906 sebagai seorang pelukis.
He traveled to explore Bali. And provide some notes, among others, about the nekara Pejeng, Trunyan, and Pura Bukit Penulisan. Attention to the Pejeng nekara was continued by K.C Crucq in 1932 that managed to find three parts mold nekara Pejeng in Pura Manuaba Village, Tegallalang. The prehistoric research in Bali was followed by Dr. H.A.R. van Heekeren with the result of writing entitled Sarcopagus on Bali in 1954. In 1963 prehistoric expert son of Indonesia Drs. R.P. Soejono did this digging done continuously in 1973, 1974, 1984, 1985. Based on the results of the research that has been done on the findings originating from the shore of Gilimanuk Bay, it is suspected that the location of Gilimanuk Site is a fishing village of the perundagian period in Bali. In this place now stands a museum. Based on the evidence that has been found to date in Bali, people's lives or Balinese in Balinese prehistory can be divided into: The period of hunting and gathering simple levels of food The period of hunting and gathering of advanced foods Cultivation period Labor Period
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